
Join me in this exciting, innovative, simple and effective hands-on learning parenting program.

Parenting can be a very rewarding experience, yet we are often faced with many challenges along our children’s developmental journey. Parenting support is aimed at helping you as the parent/caregiver restore your capacity to be in the driver’s seat and come along side your child/teen or adult child’s journey to not only feel better but get better at feeling.

If you are struggling with your child/teen or adult child’s emotional rollercoaster and/or behavioral issues, you are not alone. Parenting indeed can be challenging at times, especially when we have tried everything in the planet, and nothing seems to work. We begin to feel helpless and discouraged, unintentionally giving room for our emotions to appear and take over, often impacting negatively the relationship between ourselves and our children. Sounds familiar? 

The good news is that I can come along side and support you in dealing with your own challenges and that of your children (of all ages) by drawing upon extensive knowledge of the science of emotions coupled with a thorough understanding of the theory of attachment and its importance when applied to human relationships and child development alike.

Specifically, having participated and now leading the Emotion Focused Skills Training program (EFST), coupled with the completion of the core courses at the Neufeld Institute, I am well equipped to support you by helping YOU be the answer to your child’s struggles and further guide you through the implementation of the NET skill set learned in the EFST program to build, repair and transform the relationship with them. 

If you have not yet taken the EFST Program, you are encouraged to register for it so that you can learn the NET set of skills necessary to transform your most important relationship with your loved ones. Once completed, I can provide you with ongoing support in the implementation of the skills learned. 

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              Emotions matter in building long lasting relationships.       

       In the EFST Program, you will learn the NET Skills Set:

    N-navigate your own emotions and that of your child

 E-enhance your motivation and that of your child 

    T-transform problematic relationships in your family  

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Through exercises and discussions, participants will learn to apply the NET set of skills such as validation, use of competing motivations and boundary setting with the purpose of restoring positive, productive relationships with the person they are supporting. 


DATES/TIME: Contact us

LOCATION: online or in person

COST: Contact us 

CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations made within 48 hours of purchase will be refunded fully. Any other type of cancellation must be made prior to the registration closing deadline: TBA. In such case, the cost of the workshop will be refunded minus a $100 processing/administration fee.

QUESTIONS: Please do not hesitate to Contact me with any questions you may have. CHECK OUT THESE VIDEOS FOR MORE INFO:

Fabulous video relating to parental blocks and emotion coaching developed by Circle of Security Being-With and Shark Music and this seven minute video about emotions by the Norwegian Institute for Emotion Focused Therapy and the Institute for Psychological Counseling: Alfred & Shadow – A short story about emotions